Small business marketing
Small business marketing can be done by direct speaking to cutomers , viral marketing –spreading the goodness of our products though friends circle. Writing letters to the consumers. Depending on the products, if it is meant for local, prefer for local advertising through local magazines.
marketing with website
A great way for small business owners to get a leg up on the competition is to learn Internet Marketing. Unfortunately, there is way too much out there that falls into this category that has nothing to do with business.
What this site attempts to do is cut through all of the garbage and teach small business owners how to use the Internet and web site search engine positioning as real marketing tools for their business.
A Web sites is a great tool and a must for any small business. It should have good design and attractive and clear ideas
Website submission to search engines will also find an ecommerce glossary, ways to use autoresponders and email marketing, thoughts on Google search engine and Yahoo search, and plenty of information on economical web site search engine positioning.
Then, for more advanced marketers, there is information on using Google AdWords and AdSense, Pay-per-click advertising, Affiliate programs to help your site make money, linking strategies, ways to structure joint ventures, and tons of information on blogs and blogging.
marketing with business cards
What good can a cheap business card do when it comes to growing your business...maybe more than you think if used the right way. One of the most cost effective ways you can promote your business is through the use of a powerful business card.
Look, most people have them anyway so this will cost you nothing to implement.
Most people simply underutilize their business card. The typical business card states a name, company name, address phone, fax and perhaps e-mail.
A marketing business card states all of the above but also states at least one very powerful reason to do business with you and perhaps even an offer that helps the person who receives the card become interested right away.